
Office spaces may be a difficult space to navigate for customers, employees, or visitors, but you can make their lives all the easier by adding horizontal signage from Podia to your office spaces. Podia’s image capsules are easy to install and ready to display whatever you need. Crafted from years of experience and refinement, you know that you can trust Podia to provide the best signage for your spaces.

The easy display option

Unlike other signage that may be a hassle, Podia is designed for both ease of installation as well as ease of use. Simply open up the Podia image capsule at the base to insert your 8.5” x 11” piece of paper that is going to be used for your signage, and you have a ready-to-go office sign. This also means that you can customize your horizontal signage however you want, allowing your company to have a fun, creative touch on name plates for personal office space, or a uniform design that everyone can follow for a more professional look.

Fits the corporate world

Because Podia is versatile and can be used as either vertical or horizontal signage, our effective displays can be used anywhere from a front desk as a directory to cubicle spaces as name plates to mark worker’s individual spaces. Wherever you need easy-to-read signs for your visitors, business partners, and more, Podia can provide the perfect solution. Board meeting schedules can be provided through Podia displays, important business dates can be left in the break room, and more! The only limitation to how Podia can be utilized in your office spaces is your imagination.

The high-tech, high-visibility signage that you can count on, Podia is ready to be installed to your office spaces whenever you need them. Versatile and easy to use, you can find the perfect signage with Podia by contacting us today!

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